How to Repurpose Your Models, or, Green Screen and Philodendrons in the Faery Wells

I know very little about the green screen process or doing animation from live capture. I DO know that I’ve been preparing food, balancing the checkbook and generally skirting around two models for the last three weeks. Yesterday, these babies were finally packed up and hauled out to where the green screen work was being [...]

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Guerilla Gaffering in southern Indiana!

Well, I’m not sure how else you’d classify what we’re going to attempt to do with regard to lighting in the wee hours of Saturday morning down in New Harmony. We’re planning on using available light plus one or two 300w parcans driven from an inverter plugged into Russ’ car’s lighter outlet. Oh, and some [...]

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An American in Dublin

One name will appear in the credits under “Dublin Unit:” Ryan Powell. The tape survived security scans and Russell seemed happy with the footage. Many thanks to Ryan for doing a little filming for us while he was vacationing in Dublin!

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Existential Jessie, signing in…

I wonder how the “big boys” do it? Are all films done in this way? By that I mean, are the people involved in big, professional films emailing each other 80 times a day, rescheduling shoots due to weather and illness, eating donuts at 3 AM, pinning actors into their costumes, and generally running around [...]

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Lighting a Church and a Castle, Wow!

  Well, weekend #2 had a wild plan and we actually stuck to most of it.  It began with a castle in Loveland, Ohio and ended with a church in Bloomington.  We would have capped it all off with a cemetery in Bloomington if not for a few circumstance out of our control.   The [...]

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The Ancient Art of Contorting your body (A.K.A. Independent Cinematography)

Thank goodness for remembering to breath and not breath because I frankly hate tripods as many of you may have noticed. Tripods are for news people. If we wanted stale shots we’d be making a romantic comedy. You can argue that the shots wouldn’t shake so much, which I counter with, neither do I, only [...]

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Two Join Our Army of Darkness I’d like to welcome bloggers Jessie Dyer, Costumes, and Jason Harris, Cinematography, who will hopefully some find time to dazzle us all with their witty insights on the production very soon. The Case of the Missing Cast List Erm, yes, I’m aware that an official Banshee film page has [...]

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Lighting: Technical Gotchas and Solutions

Ok, the title sounds way cooler than what this post will be about and I apologize in advance for that. The first big gotcha I ran into as the gaffer was the missing power adapter for our lighting control board.  I have to say that this was a bit of a butt clencher at first, [...]

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Lighting a Pub is Both Easy and Hard (Days 3 and 4)

Light a pub? Sure, we can do that…. if the pub cooperates that is.

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Greetings from the Babbling Banshee Blog! I am Russell McGee, auteur and producer of The Babbling Banshee. Here you will find updates and the behind-the-scenes chatter about the first independent film produced by Starrynight Productions. I’m insanely busy filming on location at the moment and may not be able to post often, so I’ve invited [...]

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