On location lighting; drunkards and Banshees on bridges

Our second to last day of filming was definitely a challenge.  Our first two shots were on location in Gosport and an abandoned railroad bridge in far southern Owen County. First Gosport.  We had cooperation from the local police and were able to tap the community gazebo for power.  We lit a drunk Ryan O’Brien [...]

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Guerilla Gaffering in southern Indiana!

Well, I’m not sure how else you’d classify what we’re going to attempt to do with regard to lighting in the wee hours of Saturday morning down in New Harmony. We’re planning on using available light plus one or two 300w parcans driven from an inverter plugged into Russ’ car’s lighter outlet. Oh, and some [...]

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Lighting a Church and a Castle, Wow!

  Well, weekend #2 had a wild plan and we actually stuck to most of it.  It began with a castle in Loveland, Ohio and ended with a church in Bloomington.  We would have capped it all off with a cemetery in Bloomington if not for a few circumstance out of our control.   The [...]

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Lighting: Technical Gotchas and Solutions

Ok, the title sounds way cooler than what this post will be about and I apologize in advance for that. The first big gotcha I ran into as the gaffer was the missing power adapter for our lighting control board.  I have to say that this was a bit of a butt clencher at first, [...]

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Lighting a Pub is Both Easy and Hard (Days 3 and 4)

Light a pub? Sure, we can do that…. if the pub cooperates that is.

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